TMG IO-Link Device Tool V5 - TS -Option IOLS
For the development and compliance testing of IO-Link Safety Devices we offer our IO-Link Device Test System (TMG IO-Link Device Tool V5.1 - TS), which is the most widely used for IO-Link Devices and now extended by the IO-Link Safety Test Option (TMG IO-Link Device Tool V5.1 - TS - Option IOLS).
With this extension, all protocol tests for IO-Link Safety Devices can be performed. The IO-Link standard tests must be adapted for IO-Link safety devices. This is enabled by the extension. The IO-Link Safety tests are divided into functional test cases and those required only for interoperability, as well as the safety-relevant tests for the Safety Communication Layer (SCL). The SCL tests are approved by TÜV Süd.
While the Standard and Professional Editions only support IO-Link safety communication in commissioning mode, the IO-Link safety device can also be operated in armed mode for development purposes.
- Based on TMG IO-Link Device Tool V5.1 - TS and the included TMG USB IO-Link Master V2 TS
- Port class A (OSSDe tolerated)
- IO-Link Safety Test Option (software license)
- PC software: Based on the TMG IO-Link Device Tool - TS
- Note: All TMG USB IO-Link Master V2 TS with FW Rev 3.x can be upgraded. For masters with FW Rev 2.x we offer a low cost hardware upgrade
- Scope of test:
- IO-Link-Safety Protocol Test
- For all IO-Link Safety Devices