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TMG IO-Link Device Tool V5 - TS - Option FWUP

For the development and compliance testing of IO-Link Devices which offer the Firmware Update Profile we offer an optional extension for our IO-Link Device Test System (TMG IO-Link Device Tool V5.1 – TS – Option FWUP). It tests the complete functionality including the parts which have to be added to the operational firmware as well the bootloader.

In addition to the test system extension, TMG TE also offers the firmware solution for this functionality including the firmware packager. This packages the firmware for use in IO-Link tools and can also encrypt it to protect the intellectual properties. The IO-Link Device Tool V5.1 - SE and PE supports the firmware update not only with the TMG USB IO-Link Master V2 but also with many IO-Link masters from several manufacturers.

The Windows DLL for the TMG USB IO-Link Master V2 has also been expanded to include the IO-Link device firmware update.

  • Based on TMG IO-Link Device Tool V5.1 - TS and the included TMG USB IO-Link Master V2 TS
    • Available as optional extension
    • The license is transferred to the TMG USB IO-Link Master V2 TS
    • PC software: Based on the TMG IO-Link Device Tool - TS
    • Note: All TMG USB IO-Link Master V2 TS with FW Rev 3.x can be upgraded. For masters with FW Rev 2.x we offer a low cost hardware upgrade
  • Scope of test:
    • IO-Link Device Firmware Update Protocol Test
    • Tests the protocol behavior of the operational firmware and also of the bootloader